Your portfolio’s asset allocation is a major factor in your returns, so that’s our focus. And we’ll proactively manage your investments as the markets change.

Investment Strategy

In conjunction with the Mercer Advisors investment team, we build, manage, and monitor an asset allocation with the highest probability of success that’s unique to your time horizon, financial needs, and risk tolerance.

Your portfolio will be optimized across taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free accounts, taking into account your income level, capital gains, and our capital market assumptions. This ensures your portfolio is tax-efficient from a broad range of perspectives.

And we’ll implement our asset allocation strategy using very low cost ETFs and mutual funds including institutional class shares not available to retail investors.


  For your protection, we don’t take custody of our client investments. Your accounts can be held at Raymond James or Schwab Institutional and we can service them for you while you enjoy significant commission discounts and the availability of no-load, no-transaction fee, and institutional-class mutual funds that are not available to retail customers.

401(k) Investments

Your 401(k) plan may be one of your largest investments and should be incorporated into your retirement planning and managed as part of your overall portfolio. We can take advantage of the best options available through your employer-sponsored plan and balance them with other assets that are not available within the plan.  You may also be eligible for an in-service withdrawal or a “brokerage window” that would allow us to expand your investment options.  In some cases, including some TIAA and Fidelity plans, we can even deduct our fee on a pre-tax basis right from your plan.